Dog Training Psychology for Dog Agility

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Analyzing a First Place Dog Agility Run

Learn by watching the Dog Agility Champions!

Click here to watch Janita with an
interactive video on SCREENCAST.

Introducing Janita, the mastermind behind One Mind Dogs, and let me tell you, she's not just a founder, she's a wizard of dog agility. 🪄 Imagine a video that's not content to simply unfold before your eyes, but one that keeps you on your toes as questions pop up, causing the video to pause dramatically. Oh, the suspense! It's like a virtual game of hide-and-seek with wisdom, and every time you think you've caught up, a new insight leaps out from behind the agility course.

Picture this: Janita and her furry companion leap and bound through tunnels, soar over hurdles, and twist through slalom poles with all the energy of a whirlwind. And just when you start thinking, "How on Earth did they do that?" BAM! The video freezes and a question stares you down like a challenge.

But wait, it's not a one-way street! You're not just left scratching your head; you're encouraged to leap into the ring of active learning. You don't just watch passively; you engage with every twist, turn, and tail-wagging moment.

It's like you're given a front-row seat in a classroom that defies the laws of time, space, and monotony. 🚀

In this way , the video is highly interactive and it is fun to participate as an active learner, rather than a passive viewer.  You can review the video again and again to improve your awareness of the techniques.

At the end of the video you are invited to visit One Mind Dog's website or look inside the book LEARN DOG AGILITY TECHNIQUES OF CHAMPIONS .

Janita uses The Reverse Spin toward the end of her run in the featured video. And you the book LEARN DOG AGILITY TECHNIQUES OF CHAMPTIONS teaches how to use this technique in the first chapter.

Should you fancy, you can peer into the mystical pages of "LEARN DOG AGILITY TECHNIQUES OF CHAMPIONS," a tome surely filled with secrets that will make your pup's tail wag with delight.

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