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Never Talk About Mistakes

Never Talk Dog Agility Mistakes!

Never Talk About Mistakes!

Don't talk about, write about, or think about mistakes!  Get over it and move on!

This is a secret held by many Olympic champions and now you know it, too.

PRO TIP: If you catch yourself talking negative or talking about a problem, ask yourself, "Is that positive?" 

Then answer yourself!  The answer, of course, will be, "Yes."  Then ask yourself, "Can you make it positive?"

Listen to your own answer. "It might be, "No. I'm tired of being positive. Leave me alone."

But ideally, your answer will be "Yes. I am seeking a solution to helping my dog _____ [fill in the blank.]"

Don't we have to learn from our mistakes?

Yes, of course. But that doesn't mean we have to talk about, write about or think about the mistakes themselves! 

Strategies & Plans

Ok, I'm giving away a wonderful secret held by many Olympic champions and one AKC champion to be (me). Hahaha! The secret is:


Never talk about mistakes. 


All over the place at trials I hear handlers moaning and groaning about their mistakes and some even blaming their dogs and relishing and FEASTING on telling about the NQ that happened to them or which they themselves provoked. One person even said: "My dog did everything wrong!"

Don't do it, I say, I say. 😡  Again, NEVER TALK ABOUT MISTAKES and when possible DON'T LISTEN much to others who are telling their woeful story.

Why? Because by doing so you increase the probability that you yourself will make that same mistake!  What you talk about, think about, write, about or listen to is what you bring about.

What then can you do?  Simple. Gently and lovingly ask the golden success oriented question, which is...

What is your target for improvement?  What do you NEED to do to fix that?

Asking this question will sometimes help your comrade switch their focus away from the problem and onto finding a solution.

The more you think about the solution to a problem the more it becomes like you to find it.

You can see some Targets for Improvement
Momo and I have identified in this video:


The key is to talk about, write, about and think about Targets for Improvement (TFI's), not mistakes!

Here are some of my recent targets for improvement stated as positive affirmations:

Except when explicitly planned, I will keep an eye on Magic Momo and,  if needed, call her off any off course obstacles!

I will run through the final obstacle as if that obstacle where in the middle of the course.

I'll get my Front Cross Footwork down to a science.

I'll take off running fast to cue the next obstacle as soon as I see Magic Momo committing to the current one.

I'll be sure to connect with Momo when she exits a tunnel, actually calling any turn to her even as she enters the tunnel!

I'll starting thinking about technical issues like "Keep your hand low. Give verbal cues in a timely manner as soon as I enter the ring.

Blue Ribbons

Momo has won many ribbons. We will stay committed to learning more dog agility skills and helping others do the same.

Expert Team

Have question about dog training or dog agility competition? Let us know. We are always here to help you. Our purpose is to make you happy. 


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